I see you out of the corner of my eye
with your enticing shapes and colors.
I can smell your radiance,
and it brings me closer.
I try so hard to resist,
but I know I can not...
should not...
will not...
I know once you touch my lips
I will be forever yours.
I want to feel the warmth in my
soul that you will bring.
I want to hear the birds sing
after we are together.
I need you.
I crave you.
I love you...
my sweet delectable white chocolate brownie.
Pardon the MESS, my family is making MEMORIES!

Monday, November 21, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
The Spinning Technique.
I am writing this in hopes I don't have to vomit afterward. To explain my statement, I am sick (if you can call it that) with Viral Labyrinthitis. Yes it is actually real! I had to go look it up when I got home from the Doctors office... I mean come on, Labyrinthitis totally sounds fake! I wanted to laugh when she told me the diagnosis. Basically I have acute vertigo, because of this "world spinning around me" feeling has me so nauseated that I am throwing up as soon as I get up in the morning. So... what did she give me to help with the dizziness? Valium. A hard-core pain med? Really? Well, Valium is a vestibular suppressant. Basically Valium will repress the motion sickness feeling. Interesting huh? At any rate, taking this drug has severely reduced my brain to simple thinking. I feel like I can not finish a sentence without zoning out, drool dripping from my slightly open mouth. So there you go... I have a made up symptom and a super pain killer to put me out of my misery.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Fair Maidens And Bad Luck
Here is the story of a fair maiden's woes and a Royal Guard who was ticket happy. So the other day, I got a speeding ticket. Yes... I was going way to fast in a 25 mph zone. But listen up! It was not totally my fault! I know everyone must say that, but it is true! You want to hear the story... well hear it goes.
Once upon a time, there was a fair maiden. She had long brunette hair, blue eyes and a gorgeous smile. But what was really special about this maiden was her ability to get herself into trouble. Oh yes... this maiden was very special. She never meant to get into trouble... trouble would just find her.
Well, this young maiden had a very important event to attend, and she was already running late! She slipped into her finest ball gown, put on her glass flip flops and rushed out the door. Of course she had the young princess of Lewis-ville with her... so that took five minutes getting her into the carriage.
After all the commotion, they were finally on their way! The royal musicians were playing her favorite song, and the road was clear... but then something happened! While driving the carriage, the fair maiden's foot got caught under the pedal! She could not get it out... she panicked. Instead of pressing on the break she accidentally pressed on the gas! The carriage went flying!
Down the 400 South hill she went! 100 mph! As she was slowing down, she saw a flicker of light in the corner of her eye. It was one of the Royal Guard... chasing her down! Being the good citizen she was, she pulled the carriage over, and pulled the curtain to the side.
The Royal Guard strolled up to the side of the carriage, slyly placed his arm on the window and said, "Fair maiden, does thee know how fast thee was traveling?" Knowing, the maiden said, "Yes sir, I am sorry... but my foot..." but he stopped her from finishing. He asked for her papers and went back to his horse.
All the while, the maiden pleaded with the Gods above that they would save her from the worst. But alas, this is not the story of a fair maiden who didn't find trouble...
The Royal Guard returned with a slip of paper in his hand. Yes, she received a ticket. Now, as the story goes... she has to go to traffic school and pay 150 gold coins to fix her mistake.
The moral of the story, don't wear glass flip flops while driving on a Guard crazy street.
The End
Okay, in all honesty... the cop was a jerk. He was not even in his car when I passed by. He had pulled over someone else and was walking back to his car when he saw me. So not only did he not have any idea how fast I was going, but he lied to me telling me I was going 43. NOT! I was going 32 max! The best part he was super nice! If your going to be a putz, then be a putz! Erg... anyways I guess it could be worse... he could have found my heroine, booze and that dead body in my trunk.
Once upon a time, there was a fair maiden. She had long brunette hair, blue eyes and a gorgeous smile. But what was really special about this maiden was her ability to get herself into trouble. Oh yes... this maiden was very special. She never meant to get into trouble... trouble would just find her.
Well, this young maiden had a very important event to attend, and she was already running late! She slipped into her finest ball gown, put on her glass flip flops and rushed out the door. Of course she had the young princess of Lewis-ville with her... so that took five minutes getting her into the carriage.
After all the commotion, they were finally on their way! The royal musicians were playing her favorite song, and the road was clear... but then something happened! While driving the carriage, the fair maiden's foot got caught under the pedal! She could not get it out... she panicked. Instead of pressing on the break she accidentally pressed on the gas! The carriage went flying!
Down the 400 South hill she went! 100 mph! As she was slowing down, she saw a flicker of light in the corner of her eye. It was one of the Royal Guard... chasing her down! Being the good citizen she was, she pulled the carriage over, and pulled the curtain to the side.
The Royal Guard strolled up to the side of the carriage, slyly placed his arm on the window and said, "Fair maiden, does thee know how fast thee was traveling?" Knowing, the maiden said, "Yes sir, I am sorry... but my foot..." but he stopped her from finishing. He asked for her papers and went back to his horse.
All the while, the maiden pleaded with the Gods above that they would save her from the worst. But alas, this is not the story of a fair maiden who didn't find trouble...
The Royal Guard returned with a slip of paper in his hand. Yes, she received a ticket. Now, as the story goes... she has to go to traffic school and pay 150 gold coins to fix her mistake.
The moral of the story, don't wear glass flip flops while driving on a Guard crazy street.
The End
Okay, in all honesty... the cop was a jerk. He was not even in his car when I passed by. He had pulled over someone else and was walking back to his car when he saw me. So not only did he not have any idea how fast I was going, but he lied to me telling me I was going 43. NOT! I was going 32 max! The best part he was super nice! If your going to be a putz, then be a putz! Erg... anyways I guess it could be worse... he could have found my heroine, booze and that dead body in my trunk.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Honesty Is Not A Luxury...
So I am on a rant today... You know, I don't really understand people. I try very hard to be a kind and understanding person... but what do I get in return? A bunch of BS! I am told "we should hang out" or my personal favorite, "Give me call and we will do something". So here I go... I call... I suggest... I put myself out there. But nothing! It drives me up the wall! Don't ask me to be a friend if you can not do the same. I may be a little crazy at times, or may piss people off... but I do try. My intentions are not to hurt people, and if I have hurt you or pissed you off... you should now it was not intentional. I will always say I am sorry, and try to do better the next time. I will always be there and I do my best to be a good friend. I dunno... I should not complain... but dammit people! Come on!!! Just be honest with me, like I am honest with you! That is all...
Friday, August 5, 2011
Do As I Am Doing... Follow Follow Me.
All I have ever wanted is to be my own person. I feel that we as a people are so wrapped up in what others are doing, thinking, feeling that we forget our own little existence and how important it is. We are consumed with what others will think of us, worrying if we are going to be judged because we took a different path. We do not stop and think of what we really want, and what is even more rare, we don't do what what we really want.
Many times we let others choose our paths, our way of life because they are doing it. It is like the old question, "Would you jump off a bridge because everyone else is?" Well, when you apply other questions to that scenario, there are times we do exactly what everyone else does... because it supposedly the best way to do things. I am not saying that every single idea has to be your own. You can look at someone else and aspire to be like them or want to do what they have done. Just do it because you want to, not because you are concerned with what people are going to say if you do or don't.
Too many people for too many generations have fallen into what I like to call "The Mindless Drone Trap". They have no expectations for themselves except the expectations that others have for them. No idea who they are, or what they want in life. Concerned with one thing... to make others happy. Nothing to look forward to except a nice little cube to put small little pictures of your dog into. ??? Why are dolt-less drones satisfactory? Are you that worthless, that you do not deserve to have your own life?
All I have ever wanted is to have my very own unique little life. A life where I live how I want to live, with no worries if someone is judging me. I think I have finally embraced that. I have finally shouted to the world... "Screw you! This is my life, and I will do what I want with it." I will be who I want to be and no other.
Many times we let others choose our paths, our way of life because they are doing it. It is like the old question, "Would you jump off a bridge because everyone else is?" Well, when you apply other questions to that scenario, there are times we do exactly what everyone else does... because it supposedly the best way to do things. I am not saying that every single idea has to be your own. You can look at someone else and aspire to be like them or want to do what they have done. Just do it because you want to, not because you are concerned with what people are going to say if you do or don't.
Too many people for too many generations have fallen into what I like to call "The Mindless Drone Trap". They have no expectations for themselves except the expectations that others have for them. No idea who they are, or what they want in life. Concerned with one thing... to make others happy. Nothing to look forward to except a nice little cube to put small little pictures of your dog into. ??? Why are dolt-less drones satisfactory? Are you that worthless, that you do not deserve to have your own life?
All I have ever wanted is to have my very own unique little life. A life where I live how I want to live, with no worries if someone is judging me. I think I have finally embraced that. I have finally shouted to the world... "Screw you! This is my life, and I will do what I want with it." I will be who I want to be and no other.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Forever Yours...
I loved you before, and I love you now.
Though telling you is frightening,
I feel I must tell you still.
Since that night you placed your lips on mine,
my thoughts are about you.
Your eyes pierce my very soul,
your smile has my heart.
Your words send shivers down my spine,
and butterflies in my stomach.
I love when you look at me,
or touch me so slyly.
I am yours to hold,
to kiss,
to love...
You will forever have me.
Though telling you is frightening,
I feel I must tell you still.
Since that night you placed your lips on mine,
my thoughts are about you.
Your eyes pierce my very soul,
your smile has my heart.
Your words send shivers down my spine,
and butterflies in my stomach.
I love when you look at me,
or touch me so slyly.
I am yours to hold,
to kiss,
to love...
You will forever have me.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Ramblings Of A Mad Woman.
I wonder if I said random things during this blog if people would stay and read the whole thing? Lets give it a try! First off, there is a disclaimer... I am not saying it is going to be a wholesome experience. There will be profanity, drugs and probably some nudes. Now that is out of the way, lets get started!
I want you to clear your mind and close your eyes.... well don't close your eyes! That would defeat the purpose of this exercise. Just clear your mind... yes yes that will do. Now I want you to think of a tree. A huge walnut tree. You are laying on the ground looking up at this tree. You notice the leaves, how they curve and twist. You see the walnut pods hanging from the branches. Notice how they sway in the wind? I do. There is music coming from this tree. Rustling leaves kissing each other as the bump up against the other one. Smell the earth, appreciate it for what it is. This tree symbolizes your growth in this world. Each branch telling a story. The walnuts are the fruit of your labors. The leaves are the beauty within.
What if I told you that I only had one arm... would you still like me. If you said no... your a punk and deserves to be slapped... with my one arm! What if I told you that I love pouring butter on pizza and then dipping it into mustard? Psh! Better than what you eat! And you think I am gross! What if I told you that my favorite thing to do is to play jump rope with snakes? What if I told you that my favorite past time is planting rocks in the garden, watering them and hoping I could grow unicorns? What if I told you that you had something on your face... and it looks like a a piece of toast? What if I told you I want to cuddle up to a sloth?
No, I am not crazy... just a little off in the head. But remind yourself that this is why you love me. I figure why be normal when it is so much fun being mad! You get to take all sorts of pills! I know... I should want to "fit in"... but I can not see that being to much fun. Why wear clothes if running around naked suits you just fine? I just show my colors to the world... if you don't like it, close your eyes. When you are insane, things are always bigger than you! Every problem or event is blown into a thousand different proportions. Who would not love that? Plus, people always look out of the corner of their eye and walk around you in a wide circle... maybe I have aids?!? You don't know! Or the clap! You never know with the nutters out...
There you have it... my rambles for the day.
I want you to clear your mind and close your eyes.... well don't close your eyes! That would defeat the purpose of this exercise. Just clear your mind... yes yes that will do. Now I want you to think of a tree. A huge walnut tree. You are laying on the ground looking up at this tree. You notice the leaves, how they curve and twist. You see the walnut pods hanging from the branches. Notice how they sway in the wind? I do. There is music coming from this tree. Rustling leaves kissing each other as the bump up against the other one. Smell the earth, appreciate it for what it is. This tree symbolizes your growth in this world. Each branch telling a story. The walnuts are the fruit of your labors. The leaves are the beauty within.
What if I told you that I only had one arm... would you still like me. If you said no... your a punk and deserves to be slapped... with my one arm! What if I told you that I love pouring butter on pizza and then dipping it into mustard? Psh! Better than what you eat! And you think I am gross! What if I told you that my favorite thing to do is to play jump rope with snakes? What if I told you that my favorite past time is planting rocks in the garden, watering them and hoping I could grow unicorns? What if I told you that you had something on your face... and it looks like a a piece of toast? What if I told you I want to cuddle up to a sloth?
No, I am not crazy... just a little off in the head. But remind yourself that this is why you love me. I figure why be normal when it is so much fun being mad! You get to take all sorts of pills! I know... I should want to "fit in"... but I can not see that being to much fun. Why wear clothes if running around naked suits you just fine? I just show my colors to the world... if you don't like it, close your eyes. When you are insane, things are always bigger than you! Every problem or event is blown into a thousand different proportions. Who would not love that? Plus, people always look out of the corner of their eye and walk around you in a wide circle... maybe I have aids?!? You don't know! Or the clap! You never know with the nutters out...
There you have it... my rambles for the day.
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