Friday, February 4, 2011

Diversion: Bath Time

Oh Addalynn. I love you my darling sweetheart.

For those who are joining us today at Club Megan are in for a treat. My adorable daughter Addalynn, the joy of my life, has started to learn the trick of diversion. Recently, she has decided that bedtime means bath time. Now for as long as I can remember these two things are not similar at all... well with the exception that both words have time at the end of it. Now you may be thinking, "How is Addy getting out of bedtime with bath time?" And that is a fantastic question! Let me tell you how.

Our house is set up where the computer room is right across from the bathroom. At night we, as a family, watch Elmo videos with Addy to get any last minute hyperness out of the way. This works like a charm, because she has her milk while chilling out with lullaby's by Elmo, and Katy Perry. After we are done we read scriptures and say our family prayer. But these past two nights, before scriptures and family prayer, Spencer and I made the mistake of checking our emails and Facebook and not watching where Addy goes off to.

Before we know it Addy has gone across the computer room, down the hallway and into the bathroom. She strips down butt naked and gets into the bathtub. No She does not know how turn on the tub (that would be amazing), but she sits in there calling out to us until we go and see what the fuss is about.

When we walked into the lavatory, there stood Addy, in all her glory for all the world to see. And because she is so dang adorable, we collapsed as whipped parents do and let her take a bath. No, it is not the end of the world, but I am sad that my daughter is growing up. She is smarter day by day, and that is a little hard to choke down. Call me sappy, but I miss my little baby who depended on me for everything, even taking her clothes off for a bath.