Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ear, nose, and throat infections! Oh my!!!

Like all children, my baby got sick. Yes, a swollen throat, runny nose and achy ears prove it. She was running a fever last Thursday, and when daddy took her to the Doctors the proof was in the pudding. Now I know this is a lame topic, because lets get real... kids get sick. It wasn't the first nor will it be the last. But taking care of her is the real story...

Remember how I said she is starting to distract? Well, she learned to manipulate the situation from the best manipulator ever... me! Yes, when I am sick I am so groggy and a down right pain. Spencer must really love me to put up with me, because I ask for this and for that, lay in bed and moan... I am as bad as a man with a sniffle!

But back to Addy, even though she was sick she made me laugh. Addy was laying in my bed with her Pedialite and stuffed monkey, and she turns to me and says, "Mommy, Elmi please." By the way, Elmi is Elmo, she cant say the O for some reason. So anyways, I pop in Elmi, and she cries out "No!". So I figured she wanted another Elmo dvd, so I pop in another. Again, "No!"

Well I was running out of options, because we only have three DVDs, so I put in the last one. This time she starts bawling. Big ol' crocodile tears running down her face and the biggest tantrum I have seen yet! I ask her what is the problem and she just moans and cries, "Elmi... Elmi... Elmi". So the last thing I could think of was going online and seeing if she wanted to watch a clip of Elmo.

Success! So for 2 hours we sat there as I clicked on links of Elmo, with her telling me yes or no to the videos. And the one she wanted to see the most often was this one...

Check it out, it is cute.

But there you go, another growing moment for both baby and mommy.

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