First off, I take this med that will literally put me to sleep at 7:00 pm if I take it early enough. And I am not talking about getting sleepy... I am talking about knocks you out cold! My friend Molly can vouch for me! Remember Molly? Out like a light on your bed during our BBQ? HA HA! Good times! But alas, I figured out when to take my medicine, so no more falling asleep in my dinner.
Secondly, I keep waking up in the middle of the night with the craziest notions! For example, I received a call last night from someone in my ward reminding me about a lesson I am teaching. This lesson has me cooking, so of course I am off looking at my recipes and finding the best ingredients. Well I woke up in the middle of the night, startled because I thought I had to run off and grab something right then from the store. It leaves me with this crazy jittery sensation. I hate it.
Last, but certainly not least, are my dreams. Now some of you know I dream so vividly, that it is real for the first couple of minutes when I first wake up. For example, if I was dreaming about a man... let's say Chris Hemsworth (woot woot!) in my bed, I wake up thinking he will be there! Which, lets be honest... what woman doesn't want Thor in her bed?

I rest my case. Anyways, getting back to my topic... yes dreams. My dreams have been more than a little vivid, and happening a little to often. Now you may want to know the current topic of my dreams... sorry, that is saved for certain ears only. Jeeze! Off topic again! I am just trying to say that my dreams are getting out of control, and I am not sleeping well at night. It is very frustrating for more than just one reason. Sorry, those "reasons" are also privileged.
This past month has been crazy. I am hoping that I do not go insane before my sleep patterns kill me. But who knows... maybe being insane is enlightening.
Yep, I remember you passing out at the BBQ. Don't worry, I didn't mind. I'm was surprised that you could sleep in there when there were kids playing and watching tv in my room at the same time. I hate crazy, vivid dreams, but mine usually involve aliens or witches trying to get me. I hope that you dreams get better!