Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Watching Closely

My dear sweet baby girl is growing up to be a magnificent little lady. She dresses up with three purses in each hand, ten strings of pearls around her neck, and her pink Sunday hat to top it all off. Making choices on what to do and watch. She is making decisions from her clothing, to which sticker she wants to wear. Addalynn has even become aware of all her bodily functions.... and finds them silly! It astounds me to see my precious little Magnolia bud blossom a little each day.

I am sitting here, watching her closely, noticing the changes that take place every moment. It makes a mother proud to see her daughter be such an independent old soul. Yes, I say old soul because of the characteristics she displays. She knows how to pray because she watched us once. She knows what the Book of Mormon is because she brings it out to hug the book. She stares at the picture of Jesus, with that knowing look of who he is.

Addalynn is constantly growing and learning. She loves people and is not afraid to show it. I hope that when I grow up that I will have that little bit of spirit she has so much of. I want that determination to do and get anything she wants. I would love to have the gumption that radiates off her, giving her, her own beautiful personality.

I am so honored to have my little angel, borrowed from God, to raise during this time. Addalynn truly is a magnificent creature... a beautiful daughter of God in all his ways.