The HCG Diet was created to help reset the body weight set point and hypothalamus. Basically it will help those who have a difficult time losing stubborn fat in stubborn places. Unfortunately, I fall under the "those" category. By nature, or family genes, I have been blessed with a voluptuous body. It's a blessing and a curse. After I had my gorgeous daughter, I could not shake the weight. Do not get me wrong, I was no supermodel before I became pregnant. I have always had a hard time losing weight once it was put on. Again, genetics.
For those who are wondering, yes my weight right now is 204 pounds. Thus the name of my blog. I am not ashamed of my weight, but I realize that this is not ideal. This may not seem like a lot, considering how big I could be. But my body holds onto weight, and that is something that needs correcting! I have what is called Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), it is extremely common. Look it up if you are curious... because this blog is about a fatty losing her weight! What some may not realize is, those who have this wonderful nick knack to enjoy, have the darnedest time losing weight. They can gain weight with ease, by enjoying a carrot.
So to my point, I have started the HCG Diet. To hopefully reset my body, and get down to my ideal weight; which I am not certain what that is quite yet. It is a 45 day journey to a healthier me. Basically, I take HCG Hormone drops while staying on a strict 500 calorie diet. Really the diet is not too bad. The food seems pretty good, but I do enjoy vegitables and tea. It is not a lot of food, but your body is supported by the stubborn fat stored in stubborn areas. So, no worries! I will not go hungry! I may have a headache or feel a little cranky, but who isn't cranky when their Cheese-Its are taken away!
The fun part is these next two days... GORGING! Yes, it is exactly what you are thinking! Eating as much fatty, buttery deliciousness within two wonderful days. At least I thought it would be wonderful. At first it was great! I had french toast wrapped in a layer of butter topped with real Vermont maple syrup and a bit of powdered sugar. Scrumptious. Then I had shortbread chocolate chip cookie for a snack. Amazing. For lunch a cheesy quesadilla and half a cupcake...
Yes, readers. I am sick to my stomach. Never in my life have I consumed so much fat in one day. Now you ask yourself, "Why is this necessary? Why not just skip this step?" Well, as Dr. Simeon says, "You must gain weight to lose weight." The gorging process forces your fat cells to be full to capacity. This helps your body kick into gear and start losing the weight with in that same week, rather than taking a full week for the diet to start working.
As I continue, I will be posting my success... lets hope! I am hoping this will be a journey that I will not only correct my body, but correct my inner self as well. To find that I am beautiful no matter what size or weight. So, friends now that it is dinner time... Potatoes loaded with all the toppings... ugh... I will say adieu.
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